The Bulgarian Pzardshik


By K.D. Spurling



(A breed section extracted from the upcoming "Complete Encyclopedia Of Tumbling & Highflying Races" due out Winter 2001.)




           (Bulgarian: "Porzarek" or "Pazardsinski bemkalija" or "Plovdivski beli").


            Synonims: Pasardshik, Porzarek, Plovdivski or Bulgarian Dewlap.


            Origin: Bulgaria, City Of Plovdiv.



The Pzardshik is a breed of Bulgarian origin which is still largely an unknown to the Western World. The breed may have originated in the city of Plovdiv, as one of its Bulgarian names,"Plovdivski beli" (trans. "whites from Plovdiv") attempts to indicate. It is theorized, and likely that  this breed's ancestors were introduced to Bulgaria by the Ottomann Turks centuries ago.


Christian Reichenbach is attributed with the breed's introduction to Germany. At this writing, roughly a half dozen lofts are found in Germany, where the breed has taken on the name of  "Bulgarian Dewlap".




The Pzardshik is a large breed for a flying tumbler, being roughly the size of a small Racing Homer. The head is round with a full frontal and a bit long. Some bloodlines have a well pronounced gullet, hence the name "Bulgarian Dewlap". The eyes are always bull, and the beak long. The body is strong, well developed and carried horizontal with a wide tail. The wings are in proportion to the body and rest upon the tail. The feet are free of feathers.


Typically, the birds are white with the tail retrices laced in black, although some specimens feature red lacing. Self whites also exist, but are not held in high regard on the grounds that such pigeons are far more difficult to see at higher altitudes.


It is interesting to note, that like other Bulgarian breeds, the Pzardshiks dislike being handled  and react to their keepers with extreme distaste and nervousness. As well, as in other Bulgarian breeds, their voice is peculiar, with their coo sounding like "o-o-o-o-o" opposed to the normal voice of other more traditional breeds.


                  North American Development:


The Pzardshik is one of the true unknowns of the Tumbler world and has likely never been  introduced, let alone known to North America.


                   In The Air:


The Pzardshiks are rolling performers of approximately 30 to 50 feet in depth and are flown in large kits.


However, there is a wide variation of performances and flying abilities in the breed due to some bloodlines being cultivated to meet different ends. It is said that the first birds which Reichenbach introduced to Germany, were primarily highfliers, where as others were genuine roller performers. Duration of the rolling strains is generally about two hours, where as the highflying bloodlines have recorded durations at up to five hours.

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