Articles by K.D. Spurling

1.  North American Highflying Rollers, American Rollers, and the American Flying Tumblers

2.  The Archangel White Trjasun

3.  The Bokhara Crack Tumblers

4.  Fascinating Orliks of the Ukraine

5.  Pigeons of Galati

6.  The Russian Grivun

7.  The Kazan Tumbler

8.  The Meyor Tumbler

9.  The Moscow Gray Turmani

10. The Moscow White Turmani

11. The Budapestian Highflier

12. The Bulgarian Pzardshik

13. The Russian Statnije

14. The Rhzever Startailed Turmani

15. The Tula Spot Turmani

16. The Ural or Tscheljabinsk Whites

17. The Saint

18. The North American Roller Pigeon Chapter 1 & 2

19. Night flying for Tumblers and Highfliers

20. Training of Orliks and other Tutcheresi